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Slippery Rock Community Library Patron Behavior Policy

Patrons of the Slippery Rock Community Library (SRCL) have the right to use the library without being disturbed or impeded by other persons. These rules are posted for the comfort and protection of everyone using the library’s facilities.

  • Patrons will not be permitted inside the library building outside of regular operating hours, unless as part of a library sponsored program and/or with staff permission.

  • Any behavior that disrupts or interferes with the operation, safety, or use of the library is prohibited.

  • The library is a welcoming place for patrons of all backgrounds and beliefs. Any discussion or behavior that discriminates against other patrons, volunteers, or staff members with regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, disability, economic status, veteran status, or political affiliation will not be tolerated.

  • Behavior that can be cause for removal by the SRCL staff and/or Police includes but is not limited to: physical abuse; assault of a person; abusive, threatening, or obscene language; running; fighting; gathering in loud groups; loud telephone conversations; noise emitting devices; or blocking patron access points.

  • Patrons may not interfere with the staff’s performance of duties in the library or on library property.  This includes engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period of time, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.

  • Carrying weapons of any type on library property is not allowed, except by law enforcement officers.

  • Improper acts that are subject to prosecution under any civil or criminal code are prohibited.

  • Individuals who may be under the influence of a substance and/or are disorderly shall be asked to leave the library and may be banned from the library for a period determined by the library staff and the board of trustees.

  • Smoking, vaping, and the use of chewing tobacco are not permitted in the library or on library grounds.

  • Soliciting patrons and staff for donations or participation in non-library fundraisers is not permitted.

  • Political campaigning or obtaining signatures on petitions is not allowed in the library or on library property. Campaign material, literature or petitions may not be brought into the library, posted at the library or left on library property.

  • Eating/drinking near the computers is prohibited. Non-alcoholic beverages in containers designed to prevent spills are permitted in all areas of the library except at computer workstations. Any damage to library property resulting from food or beverages will be the responsibility of the patron.

  • Sleeping on the library premises is not permitted. 

  • Shirts and shoes must be worn on SRCL property at all times.

  • Service dogs are allowed for disabled persons; other animals must remain outside of the SRCL building.

  • Children under 10 years of age cannot be left unattended on library property. If a child under the age of 10 is attending a library sponsored program on the premises, the parent, a guardian, or responsible caregiver is to remain on the premises for the duration of the program. For more information please consult library staff.

  • Library staff reserves the right to place time limitations on library resources, such as computers, reference materials, and common areas.

  • Patrons must ask staff permission before posting any flyers or distributing literature in the library. Flyers for community resources and events may be permitted. Flyers advertising items for sale are prohibited.

  • Anyone who willfully violates any portion of this policy may be excluded from the library for a period of time determined by the library staff and board of trustees.

The Board of Library Trustees will review the Behavior Policy periodically, and reserves the right to amend the policy at any time.

Approved by the Slippery Rock Community Library Board of Directors on July 20, 2023

Book Donations

Slippery Rock Community Library accepts donated print and audiovisual items with the provision that all items become the property of the library.  In no case will an item be added to the collection solely because it is a donation. Library staff will determine which donated materials will be added to the Library collection. Materials not added to the collection may be placed in the Library’s book sale or disposed of as seen fit. Intake and processing of donated items takes a significant amount of staff time and we have limited storage space. As such, no more than 4 boxes of donated items will be accepted at any one time. Donations are only accepted inside the building while the library is open. Please do not leave donations outside. 


The following items will NOT be accepted as donations:

ï‚· Dictionaries

ï‚· Textbooks

ï‚· Newspapers

ï‚· VHS, CDs, or Cassette tapes

ï‚· Encyclopedias

ï‚· Sacred texts of any religion

ï‚· Toys or stuffed animals

ï‚· Readers Digest Condensed Editions

ï‚· Magazines over six months old

ï‚· Items in poor condition (this includes torn or moldy items or items with an odor)

ï‚· Computer equipment, hardware, and software

Library Hours


Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 10 AM - 6:30 PM


Wednesday:  10 AM - 8 PM


Saturday: 10 AM - 2:30 PM



Contact Us!

​Telephone : ​(724) 738-9179



465 N. Main St.

Slippery Rock, PA 16057

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